How do you create your reality?
What do you value in your creation?
Maike Liselot AYA is a star in purpose, leadership, and transformation.
She offers inner peace, inspiration, and answers about life. Feel welcome in this special space where you can recharge, organize your thoughts, and reconnect with your essence. Maike Liselot AYA is here to answer your questions—not about the highs and lows of life, but about moving forward within your own reality. It’s about feeling truly aligned within yourself, so you can take the next steps with clarity and strength.
For everyone who stands up for the forward movement within themselves. For the whole family, friends, children, and adults of all ages. For entrepreneurial minds, curious souls, trailblazers, those who feel stuck, highly sensitive individuals, freedom seekers, unconventional thinkers, impact makers, and pioneers. Everyone is welcome, whether you're looking for a moment for yourself or wish to explore your inner journey further.
Feel welcome in this infinite space for reflection, depth, and empowerment—so you can move forward in freedom.
Challenge yourself.
Grow and flourish.
AYA Health Worldwide is for everyone. The world is changing, and so are you!
The people who bloom and grow through contact with Maike Liselot AYA:
✨ Are open to this new information and inner experience.
✨ Are seeking peace and profound change to break through what’s stuck.
✨ Want real, meaningful answers, relaxation, life flow, and harmony.
We are here for everyone. Come on in. For yourself, your family, or with others.
Maike Liselot AYA guides families to find more peace and relaxation, so that everyone—from parents and children to pets—can stand strong in daily life. Whether it's burnout, crisis, or chaos: AYA Health Worldwide offers guidance towards harmony and well-being for the entire family. All life questions are answered in a real and enjoyable way.
Maike Liselot AYA offers a clear and innovative perspective on societal developments, showing us where we are headed. In her language, she is clear, to-the-point, and compassionate. In magazines, podcasts, and talk shows, she shares insights that enrich, clarify, and provide new information for a healthy future in harmony. Valuable for all media in this global shift.
Maike Liselot AYA speaks at conferences and events – on the main stage or in deep-dive workshops. Her words resonate, always spot-on for everyone in the room. A performance that leaves a lasting impression. Always improvised, based on what is relevant in the moment for the people listening. For inner harmony, global peace.
She might read passages from her book The Power of Origin, speaks wholeheartedly, and interacts with the audience. Lively, energetic, profound, radiant, factual, and genuine. Enjoy this experience for growth and flourishing!
Working with Maike Liselot AYA means making space for the Real Conversation – the conversation that leads to true progress. She helps teams and groups stay grounded in turbulent times through deep self-reflection and guidance. This reduces stress and burnout, while bringing more harmony and enjoyment to work. Maike Liselot AYA sees exactly what is going on within people and offers sharp insights that make new and aligned choices possible. Whether it's organizations or (famous) musicians wanting to express their most authentic sound, her guidance ensures that people make choices in line with their core strength.
Once people have experienced the impact of Maike Liselot AYA on many lives, they eagerly want to share it with others. That's why we have various products ready for you that you can easily distribute – from inspiration emails to the free audiobook. You too can help bring this message of awareness, harmony, and possibilities to the world.
We always start from reality. It is always our starting point. Then, we break through the stagnation, as long as it takes, until this leads to standing strong. Creativity flows again, there is harmony and life energy.
When you truly pause and reflect on this, you arrive at your deepest life questions. Maike Liselot AYA is here to answer these questions for you. For your well-being. And the well-being of those around you. To take practical steps with it in daily life. For inner harmony, global peace.
World in Harmony. This is my choice. And yours?
From existence, harmony is the only option in the world. To learn to live the true melody of life. This can only arise once all conflicts within people have been resolved.
This means that conscious awareness, inner peace, global peace, individuality, and mutual understanding, based on each person's gifts and talents, are essential elements for the harmony and health within humanity. Practical tools, explanations, and guidance are endlessly offered here, proven in your life. You determine your future in your own responsibility. Inner harmony, global peace. Meet the Future.
~ Maike Liselot van Meulen AYA.
In more and more countries, people are reading the books of Maike Liselot AYA and she is being invited to share her melody. 🎵
The Creative Changemaker creates the movement that leads to the desired change. From the total horizon, Maike Liselot AYA provides answers to all the life questions within people. Her guidance is loving, powerful, and brings an experience of 'knowing', strengthening, movement, enlightenment, order, and clarity. Bloom & Grow further. Feel welcome! Ask ALL your life questions to Maike Liselot AYA. She always shares her insights that resonate with all those present.
Life questions can include:
✨ Essence and Self-Discovery
✨ Silence and Action
✨ Relationships and Connection
✨ Meaning and Direction
✨ Society and the World
✨ Creation and Manifestation
✨ Organization and Focus
✨ Leadership and Change
✨ Health and Well-Being
Dear husband,
I am grateful for you
From the stars to the now
Without forcing or pushing, we are the melody
Of life
Together supporting
In harmony always
Grateful for you
I love you.
A Melody for the Family.
Dear Oliver,
Your wisdom and clarity
Are soothing and healing
You are inspiring in your radiance
In every moment
Your love and kindness
Are silky soft and strong
Clear, sharp, and precise
Foundations in lives
Of the future
Thank you in my infinite everything
I love you.
Read the frequently asked questions here.
✨ How can I know if I, my visitors, or readers are ready for AYA Health Worldwide?
Be the change you wish to see in the world. It’s about you. What you want to show to yourself. What you want to create within yourself. Are you committed to real change on earth? Show that as an example to yourself. You do this by making the brave choice to meet or invite Maike Liselot AYA. The information she shares provides additional insights you didn't know. How you can learn to live from within. Give it to yourself. You choose.
✨ I hear that she is sometimes called the Dutch Eckhart Tolle. Is that correct?
That’s correct. People need something to hold onto, but it’s not necessary. We are all essences and belong to essence groups. Eckhart Tolle also observes and experiences from a great distance, and (over)sees the details in people and what’s happening everywhere. From this ‘point of view,’ they certainly have similarities. The content that Maike Liselot AYA shares is unique and focuses on returning to your original essence of power within yourself. Eckhart Tolle focuses on the power of now. Both can complement and enrich each other.
✨ Maike Liselot AYA looks at the world from a distance. What does that mean?
Maike Liselot AYA was born from the wiring that she always looks towards the earth, while she also walks on the earth, just like you. Through this great distance, she observes the total horizon, the whole earth, the cosmos, people, individuals, situations, and you can ask her any life questions you have. In addition, she is still inside. Besides explaining a lot, silence is the key to the answers she allows people to experience.
✨ Since when has Maike Liselot AYA had this wide consciousness?
As long as she can remember, she has experienced clarity. From the age of ten, she became more aware of it. But also from the age of four and earlier. Sometimes, you suddenly experience knowing. Consciousness often emerges gradually, without you seeking it. After her father’s passing in January 2020, everything opened up through her.
✨ Will everyone shift to this in the future?
Certainly. For those who remain through the turbulent times we are living in. A global shift is happening, so humans will shift too, whether they want to or not. At the same time, many people will fall away. Humans cannot control this, but it’s embedded in blueprints, codings, and more. Those who remain will all shift to this point of consciousness. However, no one will reach Maike Liselot AYA’s level of consciousness, because that is the role she plays here. She can help by explaining how existence works and what you can do. Explaining, clarifying, offering tools, and much more contribute to human shifts toward or within your own essential truth. Back to your original power.
✨ But then Maike Liselot AYA seems completely new! Is that true?
Yes, no one is ahead of Maike Liselot AYA that she can look to. She is demonstrating where the future is heading. Factually. Wisdom always runs ahead, and humans follow with their thinking minds. That’s how you can see this. Maike Liselot AYA shows how you can experience unity through yourself. This makes your life flow in the easiest way. Her connection with cosmic intelligence is unique. At the same time, this connection is the same as what Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla, for example, had. Just as there are now a few people on earth walking with their specific focus, connected to cosmic intelligence. Maike Liselot AYA represents the potential harmony within humans across the earth. Everyone will learn to integrate their essence within their humanity.
✨ Is it important that I fully understand how this works?
No. This energetic and factual point you seek is because you want to receive more information for yourself and experience it within you. So, not from your thinking mind. Maike Liselot AYA is here and doesn’t require anything from you as an essence. The only reason you come should be because you want this within you. That’s the most important. That’s what Maike Liselot AYA is here for. Do you find this valuable within you? Do you want answers? Do you want to stand strong and stay clear in these turbulent times we live in? Then it can certainly be helpful and contribute enormously to endless growth through you. How far you want to go is your choice from within. Even if you don’t choose, you will still notice a movement through you that you want more answers and want to understand how things fit together and how they can work in your life. Feel welcome.
© 2024 AYA Health Worldwide
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